Project Description

The clinic’s services extend to therapy, wellness classes and even audiology

Nathan first left Alaska when he and his then-girlfriend trekked to Seattle for a few years.

But it got too cold, so they moved south. First to California, then Las Vegas – then it got too hot, so the two of them moved back to the Northwest.

But that was all about four girlfriends ago.

“I was born and raised in Nome, Alaska. I grew up living a subsistence lifestyle – hunting and gathering – and that’s how my ears got screwed up: the loud blasts of high-powered rifles going off.”

Eventually Nathan moved back to Las Vegas and drove trucks. But his gambling addiction kept him homeless, spending every paycheck at casinos. He moved to Salt Lake to flee from the gambling environment, but continued to struggle with substance abuse.

Nathan is now a patient at Fourth Street Clinic and receives therapy and addiction support services. He’s nine months sober and is living in an apartment downtown.

Today Nathan meets with an audiologist at Fourth Street Clinic to get fitted for hearing aids.

Fourth Street Clinic’s extensive services often bring surprise to patients. In addition to primary care, Fourth Street Clinic offers audiology, dental and behavioral health care to patients, to name a few.

“Fourth Street Clinic has helped me a whole lot. I’ve been saving money and I’m gonna get a car next week.”

Nathan takes advantage of the clinic’s mental health services and wellness classes to help bring balance to his life, and he’s glad to have some independence with his hearing aids.

“My girlfriend was my hearing aid for a while,” Nathan said in a hushed tone, as a slight smile surfaces on his face.

“She likes the hearing aids but I think she had grown attached to helping me. We’ve got some adjusting to do. I can hear now – I can listen to the radio or TV without being too noisy of a neighbor.”