Wasatch Homeless Healthcare, dba Fourth Street Clinic is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to assist with the development of a comprehensive strategic plan that will guide its direction over the next 3 to 5 years. It is critical that consultation services begin prior to September 2021.

Download complete Request for Proposal here

Schedule of Events

The following schedule is provided for planning purposes only. Fourth Street Clinic may alter this schedule at any time.


Issue Request for Proposal

April 2, 2021


Deadline to Receive Proposals
(no exceptions)

May 3, 2021
at 5:00 p.m. MST


Initial Interviews

May 19th -20th


Presentation to Selection Committee

May 27th, 2021


Second Interviews (if needed)

June 1st to the 4th


Awarding of Proposal

June 7, 2021

Proposal Evaluation

Proposals will be evaluated in the following manner:

  1. Demonstration of the understanding of project goals and objectives (5 pts)
  2. Project Approach (25 pts)
  3. Project Timeline (15 pts)
  4. Prior relevant experience (15 pts)
  5. Background and Experience of the Project Team (15 pts)
  6. References (10 pts)
  7. Project Cost (15 pts)

Respondents may submit additional information or sample consulting products limited to no more than three additional attachments.

Questions/Clarifications? Contact Christina Duran at cduran@fourthstreetclinic.org Written updates, clarifications, and answers will be posted on our website.

Proposal Submissions are due no later than Monday, May 3, 2021 at 5:00 pm MST in electronic form only to cduran@fourthstreetclinic.org

Download Full RFP

Strategic Plan Questions & Answers:

Do you anticipate in-person meetings?

We will follow all CDC and State Health Department guidelines for any in-person meetings.  We will also provide the option to meet virtually.

Are out-of-state travel expenses acceptable to include in the budget?

Yes, please be sure to add in related travel costs.  

Do you have a budget/range already in mind?

We have allocated what we feel is a generous budget to be able to facilitate the number of key interviews, focus groups, and meetings. For clarity in proposals, it is acceptable to add them as a line item; e.g. Key Stakeholder Interviews (#) x $_/per interview = cost in proposal

How many leadership staff should we plan to interview?

Plan on 5 to 6.

Can you tell me when your last needs assessment was completed?

2018 for our SAC (Service Area Competition)

And, when your last strategic plan was completed?


Do you have a recent strategic plan that can be shared?

Not at this time.  We want applicants to focus on new processes and structure.