Rappel down to help others rise up.
Rappel EIGHTEEN Stories down the Hilton Salt Lake City Center to help raise awareness about domestic violence & sexual assault in our community and raise much-needed funds in support of the Salt Lake Area Family Justice Center at the YWCA.
1-in-3 women in Utah will experience domestic violence during her lifetime.
1-in-3 women in Utah will experience sexual violence in her lifetime.
The Salt Lake Area Family Justice Center is an innovative, collaborative model to help women and men in abusive relationships and those who have been sexually assaulted.
We offer comprehensive, caring services from fourteen partners in one accessible location. When people seek help at the Family Justice Center, they find trauma-informed, compassionate professionals who work with them to identify their needs, help them set personally meaningful goals for a path forward, and assist them in navigating criminal justice and other systems to obtain the resources they need to change their lives.